Ensuite, vous pouvez sélectionner Add-ons sur la barre latérale gauche, qui comprend un Sources inconnues réglage. Cliquez sur Sources inconnues et appuyez sur le Oui bouton pour confirmer la sélection. Ajouter le référentiel de fusion à Kodi. Vous aurez besoin du référentiel de fusion pour ajouter Ultimate IPTV à Kodi.
5 May 2020 Stream Movies, TV Shows, & Live TV on Kodi without interruption with these 120 + best Kodi addons for 2020 (100% working list). 23 Jan 2018 Here we explain step by step how to install Exodus on Kodi. your source a name – this can be anything, but we decided to go with Fusion. How To Install Adult Addons On Kodi 17.3 Without Fusion - Best XXX addons ( Ultimate WhiteCream..etc). Hello everybody. FBMZ here and welcome to a brand Information on all packages for project kodi. github.com/candrews/gentoo-kodi/ raw/master/kodi-17.3-generated-addons.tar.xz RPM Fusion Fedora Rawhide BOB Unleashed : BOB addon is a new generation Kodi add on after Phoenix , Blue again after shut down because of the disappearance of Fusion repository .
Astuces pour Kodi Comment diffuser Kodi avec Chromecast sur PC. Si tu as Kodi installé sur ton ordinateur personnel et une Chromecast connectée à ta télévision, il est très facile d’envoyer le signal pour profiter de la taille de la télévision.La première chose à faire est de s’assurer que Kodi …
(Mettre à jour: juin 22 2017) Consultez ci-dessous pour l'état actuel de Kodi addons mis hors ligne, nouveau dépôt-homes, et[…] Lire la suite. Messages récents . Comment puis-je installer Cosmic Saints 4K construire Kodi 17.3 Krypton; Flashx.tv Paire KODI Erreur Fix Tutorial; Permettre de sources inconnues dans KODI 17.3 Krypton; XBMC CODE CODE infographique; Pour installer Ares Wizard
9 Jul 2020 Please note these are the top unofficial Kodi addons based on popularity. Indigo (previously known as Fusion) is an addon that allows you to
26 Jul 2017 Kodi 17.3! (July 2017) KODI 17.1 17.2 17.3 This tutorial of Kodi 2017, shows another great add on w Kodi 17.1 17.2 17.3 no video Buffering! 12 Jul 2020 The method described in this guide works on all the Kodi supported devices including FireStick, Fire TV, Windows PC, Android smartphone, and 3 Jan 2020 We all know that free services like the revered TVAddons Fusion repository can be shut down by To install it on Kodi 17.3, follow these steps:. How to install Kodi 17.3 on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.04 & Linux Mint su -c ' yum localinstall --nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/el/updates/6/ 4 Jan 2019 Download and Install Indigo Kodi Addon on Kodi Player Krypton 17.3 their New Repo and they are available under http://fusion.tvaddons.co. 9 Jul 2020 Please note these are the top unofficial Kodi addons based on popularity. Indigo (previously known as Fusion) is an addon that allows you to I have tried EVERYTHING to get Exodus to work on Kodi 18.7. Everything Dave jones. I tried to install ares and fusion on Kodi 17.3 it says network is down.